Do you have a list of things you wish you believed? Or a list of things you wish you didn’t believe? Sometimes we know what we believe and think is really not that great, but how do you get rid of those beliefs? What if this belief has been with your family for generations? You can send us your personal collection of things you think about yourself, your family, partner, other people, the world, a political system, world events etc. Just add your comments in the note box upon checking out so that we know what you would like us to install or erase. You may add up to 30 beliefs / thoughts. Please be concise and allow one short sentence per issue only. If your list is not phrased in a short and simple bullet point manner, you will have to go over the list again. You can also email us your list separately. (Work done using the Theta Healing Technique)
Please note that all changes are monitored by your higher self, which will ultimately decide over what will be allowed to happen for you and what not. This is a protection mechanism that I will not override. I work with source energy to effect any of those changes mentioned above. As with any healing, your readiness and true willingness to allow change and let go of the old are crucial in any journey of improvement of mental, physical wellbeing and everyday experience of success, peace, harmony etc.