LIFE MASTERY JOURNEYS Intuitive Life Coaching & Healing Facilitation


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What else is possible?

personal growth

integrate aspects higher self embodied enlightenment -lorea elia - lifemasteryjourneys

Realizing Your True Essence: Enlightenment Within

Awakening to Your True Essence What if you were originally enlightened, and that state simply got covered over? Does that sound preposterous? But what if it were true? Can you just imagine it for a moment— what would it be like if enlightenment were not some distant, unreachable goal, but your natural state that you …

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serene within when everything changes spotlight - lorea elia - lifemasteryjourneys

When Everything Changes, Choose Presence

Change can feel like a sudden storm blowing into your life, leaving everything you know scattered and upside down. It can feel pretty unsettling, right? So what to do when everything changes? What if, instead of trying to fight the whirlwind, you chose stillness? What if, when everything shifts and you feel like a rug …

When Everything Changes, Choose Presence Read More »

beat your karma spiritual growth struggles

Beat your Karma with Yoga for Your Spiritual Growth

Beat your Spiritual Growth Struggles with Yoga for Karma Clearing Have you ever wondered why certain things keep happening in your life, even when you’re hopeful? Why do challenges arise when you’re striving for growth? Despite focusing on spiritual practices, do you still feel stuck, unable to make the progress you desire? If any of …

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image showing influence of 5 types of karma - lorea elia - @lifemasteryjourneys

Understanding Karma and Yoga’s Impact on Your Spiritual Growth

Karma and yoga aren’t just ancient philosophies; they’re profound practices that can shape your life and spiritual journey. Karma, in essence, is the law of cause and effect, reflecting the outcomes of your actions, thoughts, and intentions and feelings across time. Yoga, on the other hand, provides the tools to navigate these karmic effects, grounding …

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Yoga multidimensional - How Yoga Clears Karma - lorea elia @lifemasteryjourneys

Karma Clearing Through Yoga: How to Free Yourself & Ancestors, and Stay Sane on Your Spiritual Journey

What is the Connection Between Yoga and Karma Clearing? Karma isn’t just some abstract spiritual principle floating in the ether—it’s a vibrant, pulsating force that shapes your daily life! Think of karma as an echo of every action you’ve taken and every intention you’ve set, bouncing back to you in unique ways. In essence, karma …

Karma Clearing Through Yoga: How to Free Yourself & Ancestors, and Stay Sane on Your Spiritual Journey Read More »

Image showing siblings separated from one anohter

How Losing a Sibling Shapes a Child’s Reality

When a child loses a sibling, it’s as if the ground beneath them shifts forever. What are some of the long-term effects of losing a sibling in childhood? You are right, it doesn’t just leave a gap; it often reshapes beliefs about love, safety, and even self-worth in ways that might go unnoticed for years. …

How Losing a Sibling Shapes a Child’s Reality Read More »

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